মঙ্গলবার, ১ মে, ২০১২

5 Steps to Menu Planning ? Making A Home And Family

Have you ever attempted menu planning, but had it blow up in your face?? I?m here to give you 5 steps that I have found to be the keys to successful menu planning.

1. Check your freezer and pantry.?

Take an inventory of your freezer and pantry because the things you have extras of or leftover from last month, you can incorporate into your upcoming meal plan.? Be sure to check the dates so that they are all still good, and if you have things you don?t know how to use pass them along or find way to use them up.? Planning this way will also save you some money!

{Photo Credit of my dream pantry}

2.? Get recipe ideas.

I use my cookbooks, pulled pages from magazines or my recent favorite Pinterest for recipe ideas.? I usually use some of the same meals each month because they are our favorites ? enchiladas, spaghetti, pizza?.

3. Write a menu.

{Photo Credit}

Write a menu on your calendar while thinking about what you have planned for the week.? If you have church on Wednesday nights and don?t have a lot of time to eat at home, plan for something easy like tomato soup and grilled cheese.? If you have a night at home with the whole family, plan a big meal and maybe a fun activity to do together like the kids favorite meal and games.? Be creative and realistic about planning meals or it just won?t work.

4. Buy your food and staples.

I, personally, buy in bulk and most of our non-perishable items online because I have found I save a lot of time and money doing it this way.? Then I visit the grocery store once a week for produce and other things I couldn?t get online (or I just forgot about). :) ? I use VitaCost, Soap.com, Wag.com, Diapers.com for the majority of my shopping.

5. Check your menu each day.

This is the deal breaker!? Now you have a menu, recipes, and the kitchen stocked ? don?t let it slide because you don?t check your calendar.? Look at it right before bed or when you wake up in the morning, so you know if you should thaw any meat, soak beans, or pick up any last (forgotten) ingredient at the store before dinner.

Here is a sample of my weekly meal plan, and check back tomorrow because my new one will be up for you to get ideas for your menu!

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