শুক্রবার, ৪ মে, ২০১২

Home Improvement Is Music To Your Ears In Hornbach Ad - Meme ...

The sound of clattering jackhammers and rasping saws is not usually a nice thing to hear. But to the right people, it's music to their ears.

Hornbach,?a German building supplies chain, has taken that to the next level by turning the sounds of noisy construction work into a symphony that celebrates the joys of home improvement.

Their latest ad, Symphony, takes the sounds of a pounding jack hammer and turns it into a drum solo. A woman painting her living room hears a trombonist performing in a shower of paint and a man sawing wood hears three naked, blindfolded?cellists.

The ad is a little surreal, but does capture the excitement of building and improving your own home. Produced by Heimat, Berlin, the ad has pulled in 2,000 views since last week.

While it may not be the most popular of Hornbach's ads, it continues the brand's strong tradition of euphoric ads.

Whatever the ads says about the satisfaction of a job well done, it doesn't say anything about the irritation of hearing your neighbour hammering the other side of your bedroom wall at 7a.m. on a Sunday.

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